BTV, a state owned TV organization, started transmission in late 1964 with the objectives of dissemination of information, extension of education, motivation for development activities and entertainment. It telecast news, views, music, drama, films, documentaries, games and sports to fulfill the recreational demand and to create awareness of the people through its Programmes. The vision of the present Government of Bangladesh is to make “Digital Bangladesh” by 2021 & we are working on it. BTV has a terrestrial coverage of 95% population through 14 relay stations .Our average transmission time is around 17 hours terrestrial & 24 hours through satellite on a day. BTV is going to open another channels ‘Sangsad Bangladesh’ very soon through satellite. We rely on mixed programming system with an audience maximizing goal .Of the program contents , 92% are local and rest imported of which News(14.79%) , Education (5.03%), Live Programmes (11.95%), Religious Programmes (5.19%), Health,Nutrition and family Planning (4.49%) and Development and Social Programmes (13%), History and Cultural Programmes (1.14%), Package (7.95%), Entertainment Programmes (18%), Special Programmes (2.76%) and Advertisement (4.21%) and others (11.11%).